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429oak linerTextile Goods, Clothing
288oak mounterPrecious Metals, Electro Plate
429oak-aliner (boots)Textile Goods, Clothing
429oakalinerTextile Goods, Clothing
399oakum pickerTextiles
964oakum sorterOther and Undefined Workers
669oakum spinner (shipbuilding)Mixed or Undefined Materials
498oar and scull makerWood and Furniture
498oar makerWood and Furniture
433oat cake bakerFoods, Drinks, Tobacco
433oat cake manFoods, Drinks, Tobacco
432oat grinderFoods, Drinks, Tobacco
448oat roasterFoods, Drinks, Tobacco
432oatmeal cleanerFoods, Drinks, Tobacco
432oatmeal dresserFoods, Drinks, Tobacco
432oatmeal shellerFoods, Drinks, Tobacco
432oatmeal shelterFoods, Drinks, Tobacco
322object glass cell makerWatches, Clocks, Scientific Instruments
138object glass edgerBricks, Pottery, Glass
138object glass finisherBricks, Pottery, Glass
138object glass makerBricks, Pottery, Glass
126obscurerBricks, Pottery, Glass
319obscurerElectrical Apparatus
148ochre refinerChemical Processes, Paints, Oils
143octagon manChemical Processes, Paints, Oils
233odd filer (cycles)Metal Work
929odd boyPersonal Service
233odd filerMetal Work
900odd maidPersonal Service
900odd manPersonal Service
929odd manPersonal Service
233odd worker (cycles)Metal Work
047odd workerMining and Quarrying
399odder (finishing)Textiles
399odder, beetler'sTextiles
699oddman (gas works)Gas, Water, Electricity
024oddmanAgricultural Occupations
110oddmanBricks, Pottery, Glass
119oddmanBricks, Pottery, Glass
180oddside manMetal Work
183oddwork casterMetal Work
190oddwork forgerMetal Work
180oddwork moulderMetal Work
047off hand manMining and Quarrying
719offal collectorTransport and Communication
448offal dresserFoods, Drinks, Tobacco
338offal finisherSkins and Leather
949offal packerWarehousemen, Storekeepers, Packers
338offal rollerSkins and Leather
338offal strikerSkins and Leather
119off-bearerBricks, Pottery, Glass
127offenbacherBricks, Pottery, Glass
700office and booking inspectorTransport and Communication
919office attendantPersonal Service
939office boyClerks and Draughtsmen
483office fitterWood and Furniture
939office girlClerks and Draughtsmen
751office keeper and inspector (Post Office)Transport and Communication
921office keeperPersonal Service
706office manTransport and Communication
758office orderlyTransport and Communication
706office porterTransport and Communication
733officer (cable ship)Transport and Communication
733officer of training shipTransport and Communication
733officerTransport and Communication
733officer, salvageTransport and Communication
733officer, Trinity HouseTransport and Communication
737officer's boyTransport and Communication
737officer's mousseTransport and Communication
914off-licence shop assistantPersonal Service
526offset litho printerPaper, Printers etc.
526offset-litho operatorPaper, Printers etc.
043off-take keeperMining and Quarrying
043off-take ladMining and Quarrying
042ohargeman hewerMining and Quarrying
309ohmmeter makerElectrical Apparatus
143oil blender (mineral oil refining)Chemical Processes, Paints, Oils
158oil boiler (corticine)Chemical Processes, Paints, Oils
158oil extractor (seed crushing)Chemical Processes, Paints, Oils
158oil oxidiser (linoleum)Chemical Processes, Paints, Oils
159oil packer (vegetable oil refining)Chemical Processes, Paints, Oils
399oil presser (sponge cloth)Textiles
770oil and colourmanCommercial, Finance, Insurance
639oil baize makerOther Materials
159oil barreller barrellerChemical Processes, Paints, Oils
158oil blenderChemical Processes, Paints, Oils
158oil blowerChemical Processes, Paints, Oils
158oil boilerChemical Processes, Paints, Oils
159oil brightenerChemical Processes, Paints, Oils
159oil cellar manChemical Processes, Paints, Oils
529oil colour printerPaper, Printers etc.
639oil cover dresserOther Materials
158oil extractorChemical Processes, Paints, Oils
279oil extractorMetal Work
159oil fillerChemical Processes, Paints, Oils
950oil gas engine room attendantStationary Engine Drivers, Etc.
709oil gas fillerTransport and Communication
692oil gas foremanGas, Water, Electricity
692oil gas ganger (gas works)Gas, Water, Electricity
698oil gas makerGas, Water, Electricity
698oil gas manGas, Water, Electricity
698oil gas operatorGas, Water, Electricity
777oil hawkerCommercial, Finance, Insurance
151oil house foremanChemical Processes, Paints, Oils
159oil house man (seed crushing)Chemical Processes, Paints, Oils
334oil leather millmanSkins and Leather
159oil melterChemical Processes, Paints, Oils
159oil mill nipperChemical Processes, Paints, Oils
159oil millerChemical Processes, Paints, Oils
158oil mixerChemical Processes, Paints, Oils
158oil oxidiser (linoleum)Chemical Processes, Paints, Oils
278oil pad examiner (railway)Metal Work
279oil padderMetal Work
220oil proofer (metal work)Metal Work
158oil purifierChemical Processes, Paints, Oils
158oil refinerChemical Processes, Paints, Oils
159oil refinery floor manChemical Processes, Paints, Oils
279oil separatorMetal Work
719oil tank driverTransport and Communication
159oil washerChemical Processes, Paints, Oils
580oil well borerBricklayers, Stone, Slate
079oil wellmanMining and Quarrying
503oilcloth fitterWood and Furniture
503oilcloth layerWood and Furniture
503oilcloth plannerWood and Furniture
638oiled table cover printerOther Materials
279oiler (files)Metal Work
279oiler (general engineering)Metal Work
549oiler (paper staining)Paper, Printers etc.
689oiler (printer's rollers)Mixed or Undefined Materials
549oiler (printing)Paper, Printers etc.
279oiler (saws)Metal Work
279oiler (shipbuilding, etc.)Metal Work
279oiler (tubes, iron and steel)Metal Work
158oiler (varnish)Chemical Processes, Paints, Oils
279oiler and beltmanMetal Work
699oiler and greaser (electricity supply)Gas, Water, Electricity
699oiler and greaser (electricity, water, or gas supply)Gas, Water, Electricity
279oiler and greaserMetal Work
399oiler and greaserTextiles
099oiler and tipper (patent fuel)Treatment of Mine and Quarry Products
279oiler of arms (gunsmith's)Metal Work
047oilerMining and Quarrying
072oilerMining and Quarrying
099oilerTreatment of Mine and Quarry Products
279oilerMetal Work
334oilerSkins and Leather
335oilerSkins and Leather
418oilerTextile Goods, Clothing
699oilerGas, Water, Electricity
279oiler, boltMetal Work
399oiler, ragTextiles
399oiler, woolTextiles
737oilman (engine room)Transport and Communication
770oilmanCommercial, Finance, Insurance
428oilskin dresserTextile Goods, Clothing
575oilstone cutterBricklayers, Stone, Slate
575oilstone makerBricklayers, Stone, Slate
575oilstone maker, TurkeyBricklayers, Stone, Slate
499ointment box makerWood and Furniture
148ointment makerChemical Processes, Paints, Oils
529oleographic printerPaper, Printers etc.
449oleo-margarine makerFoods, Drinks, Tobacco
143oleum manChemical Processes, Paints, Oils
143oleum plant workerChemical Processes, Paints, Oils
190Oliver assistantMetal Work
279Oliver assistantMetal Work
279Oliver hammer assistantMetal Work
190Oliver hammermanMetal Work
190Oliver jumperMetal Work
190Oliver manMetal Work
190Oliver smithMetal Work
119omicerBricks, Pottery, Glass
724omnibus conductorTransport and Communication
724omnibus conductor, railwayTransport and Communication
720omnibus driver (motor)Transport and Communication
724omnibus guardTransport and Communication
714omnibus inspectorTransport and Communication
710omnibus managerTransport and Communication
054oncost- manMining and Quarrying
044oncostmanMining and Quarrying
054oncostmanMining and Quarrying
024onehanded manAgricultural Occupations
449onion peelerFoods, Drinks, Tobacco
279onsetter (blast furnace)Metal Work
043onsetterMining and Quarrying
054onsetterMining and Quarrying
171open hearth furnacemanMetal Work
362opener (cotton)Textiles
339opener (fellmongery)Skins and Leather
399opener (felt)Textiles
362opener (hair)Textiles
699opener and closer (gas works)Gas, Water, Electricity
699opener and closerGas, Water, Electricity
448opener and dresser, pigFoods, Drinks, Tobacco
338opener and puller (rabbit skins)Skins and Leather
362opener catcher, juteTextiles
362opener feederTextiles
362opener feeder, juteTextiles
362opener machine feederTextiles
362opener minderTextiles
362opener scutcher tenterTextiles
362opener tenter (cotton)Textiles
183openerMetal Work
279openerMetal Work
608openerOther Materials
362opener, asbestosTextiles
362opener, baleTextiles
399opener, baleTextiles
923opener, carpetPersonal Service
399opener, dyed pieceTextiles
399opener, pieceTextiles
399opener, sheet (wool sorting)Textiles
399opener, silkTextiles
362opener, waste (machine)Textiles
399opener, white pieceTextiles
362opener, wool (felt manufacture)Textiles
279opener-outMetal Work
362opening machine handTextiles
322opera glass makerWatches, Clocks, Scientific Instruments
428opera hat fitterTextile Goods, Clothing
409opera hat makerTextile Goods, Clothing
428opera hat spring fitterTextile Goods, Clothing
886operatic artistEntertainments and Sport
886operatic singerEntertainments and Sport
929operating theatre assistantPersonal Service
279operative (Royal Mint)Metal Work
381operative dyerTextiles
530operative printer's assistantPaper, Printers etc.
279operator gaugerMetal Work
527operator, photographicPaper, Printers etc.
345optical case makerSkins and Leather
322optical engineerWatches, Clocks, Scientific Instruments
278optical fitterMetal Work
278optical frame makerMetal Work
322optical framerWatches, Clocks, Scientific Instruments
138optical glass cutterBricks, Pottery, Glass
122optical glass makerBricks, Pottery, Glass
138optical glass workerBricks, Pottery, Glass
322optical instrument makerWatches, Clocks, Scientific Instruments
322optical mechanicWatches, Clocks, Scientific Instruments
322optical turnerWatches, Clocks, Scientific Instruments
138optician, workingBricks, Pottery, Glass
278optician's fitterMetal Work
929or boy (railway)Personal Service
056or manMining and Quarrying
449orange peeler (jam making)Foods, Drinks, Tobacco
449orange chipperFoods, Drinks, Tobacco
448orange cookerFoods, Drinks, Tobacco
449orange cutterFoods, Drinks, Tobacco
143orange lead makerChemical Processes, Paints, Oils
449orange pulperFoods, Drinks, Tobacco
398orange raiser (dyer's)Textiles
449orange splitterFoods, Drinks, Tobacco
449orange washerFoods, Drinks, Tobacco
013orchid growerAgricultural Occupations
143orchil makerChemical Processes, Paints, Oils
939order clerkClerks and Draughtsmen
942order hand (commercial firms)Warehousemen, Storekeepers, Packers
940order manWarehousemen, Storekeepers, Packers
385order room handTextiles
735ordinary seamanTransport and Communication
279ore dresser (lead extraction)Metal Work
279ore dresser (zinc extraction)Metal Work
278ore mixer (copper extraction)Metal Work
278ore (charge hand, zinc extraction)Metal Work
054ore and metal pickerMining and Quarrying
279ore breakerMetal Work
171ore calcinerMetal Work
279ore chargerMetal Work
056ore cleanerMining and Quarrying
056ore crusher attendantMining and Quarrying
279ore dischargerMetal Work
054ore dresserMining and Quarrying
056ore dresserMining and Quarrying
054ore fillerMining and Quarrying
171ore furnacemanMetal Work
051ore inspectorMining and Quarrying
054ore picker and trimmerMining and Quarrying
171ore roasterMetal Work
054ore samplerMining and Quarrying
054ore sorterMining and Quarrying
279ore stamperMetal Work
056ore washerMining and Quarrying
648organ builder (pipe organs)Mixed or Undefined Materials
648organ erector (pipe organs)Mixed or Undefined Materials
648organ finisherMixed or Undefined Materials
648organ fitter (pipe organs)Mixed or Undefined Materials
498organ key makerWood and Furniture
886organistEntertainments and Sport
485ornament maker (wood)Wood and Furniture
428ornament maker, millineryTextile Goods, Clothing
638ornament turnerOther Materials
105ornamental basket maker (earthenware)Bricks, Pottery, Glass
594ornamental decoratorPainters and Decorators
221ornamental iron workerMetal Work
594ornamental painterPainters and Decorators
013ornamental rock builderAgricultural Occupations
013ornamental rock workerAgricultural Occupations
594ornamental writerPainters and Decorators
949ornamenter (handkerchiefs)Warehousemen, Storekeepers, Packers
278ornamenter (metallic bedsteads)Metal Work
105ornamenterBricks, Pottery, Glass
254ornamenterMetal Work
433ornamenterFoods, Drinks, Tobacco
241ornamenter, japannedMetal Work
024orra manAgricultural Occupations
399orra manTextiles
370orris spinnerTextiles
370orris weaver (gold and/or silver)Textiles
399orsel (ossel) maker; snood maker (rope and twine)Textiles
399orsel (ossell) makerTextiles
683orthopaedic instrument fitterMixed or Undefined Materials
683orthopaedic instrument makerMixed or Undefined Materials
348orthopaedic leather workerSkins and Leather
683orthopaedic mechanicianMixed or Undefined Materials
683orthopaedic steel workerMixed or Undefined Materials
039osier boilerAgricultural Occupations
039osier growerAgricultural Occupations
039osier peelerAgricultural Occupations
039osier trimmerAgricultural Occupations
472osier workerWood and Furniture
047ostlerMining and Quarrying
054ostlerMining and Quarrying
072ostlerMining and Quarrying
725ostlerTransport and Communication
632ostrich feather cleanerOther Materials
632ostrich feather curlerOther Materials
632ostrich feather makerOther Materials
632ostrich feather washerOther Materials
504ottoman makerWood and Furniture
759out porterTransport and Communication
731outdoor inspector (dock)Transport and Communication
700outdoor assistantTransport and Communication
929outdoor assistantPersonal Service
704outdoor pointsmanTransport and Communication
700outdoor representativeTransport and Communication
929outdoor servantPersonal Service
739outdoor superintendentTransport and Communication
319outer taper (cables)Electrical Apparatus
770outfitterCommercial, Finance, Insurance
449outflow basin attendant (margarine)Foods, Drinks, Tobacco
714output assistant (omnibus)Transport and Communication
718outriderTransport and Communication
593outside painter (railway carriages)Painters and Decorators
700outside assistantTransport and Communication
499outside box machinist (match boxes)Wood and Furniture
498outside fitter-upWood and Furniture
700outside machinery inspectorTransport and Communication
700outside machinery superintendentTransport and Communication
222outside platerMetal Work
759outside porterTransport and Communication
792outside stock brokerCommercial, Finance, Insurance
024outworkerAgricultural Occupations
473oval frame maker (not gilt)Wood and Furniture
486oval lathe manipulatorWood and Furniture
486oval turnerWood and Furniture
092oven fireman (cement)Treatment of Mine and Quarry Products
449oven assistantFoods, Drinks, Tobacco
565oven builderBricklayers, Stone, Slate
088oven chargerTreatment of Mine and Quarry Products
449oven feederFoods, Drinks, Tobacco
092oven fireman (cement)Treatment of Mine and Quarry Products
109oven fireman (pottery)Bricks, Pottery, Glass
279oven firemanMetal Work
081oven foremanTreatment of Mine and Quarry Products
119oven labourerBricks, Pottery, Glass
089oven levellerTreatment of Mine and Quarry Products
565oven linerBricklayers, Stone, Slate
565oven makerBricklayers, Stone, Slate
319oven man (cables)Electrical Apparatus
109oven man (pottery)Bricks, Pottery, Glass
109oven man, glostBricks, Pottery, Glass
092oven man, gypsumTreatment of Mine and Quarry Products
092oven man, rougeTreatment of Mine and Quarry Products
279oven packer (ironfoundry)Metal Work
279oven packerMetal Work
565oven repairerBricklayers, Stone, Slate
279ovenman (hollow-ware)Metal Work
241ovenmanMetal Work
279ovenmanMetal Work
433ovenmanFoods, Drinks, Tobacco
433ovensmanFoods, Drinks, Tobacco
210overhaulerMetal Work
692overhead line inspectorGas, Water, Electricity
311overhead linesmanElectrical Apparatus
417overhead machinistTextile Goods, Clothing
692overhead power inspector (electricity supply)Gas, Water, Electricity
311overhead power linesmanElectrical Apparatus
417overhead sewerTextile Goods, Clothing
720overhead wagon driver (motor)Transport and Communication
729overhead wagon boy (tramway)Transport and Communication
719overhead wagon driverTransport and Communication
419overlock stitcherTextile Goods, Clothing
419overlockerTextile Goods, Clothing
429overlockerTextile Goods, Clothing
091overlooker (cement)Treatment of Mine and Quarry Products
354overlooker (doubling, spinning)Textiles
356overlooker (dressing room)Textiles
521overlooker (lithographer's)Paper, Printers etc.
940overlooker (warehouse)Warehousemen, Storekeepers, Packers
041overlookerMining and Quarrying
071overlookerMining and Quarrying
081overlookerTreatment of Mine and Quarry Products
121overlookerBricks, Pottery, Glass
401overlookerTextile Goods, Clothing
949overlooker, cigarette packing machineWarehousemen, Storekeepers, Packers
376overlooking machinistTextiles
041overmanMining and Quarrying
051overmanMining and Quarrying
051overman, backMining and Quarrying
051overman, deputyMining and Quarrying
051overman, foreMining and Quarrying
041overman, sectionalMining and Quarrying
473overmantel fitterWood and Furniture
521overseer (bookbinder's)Paper, Printers etc.
359overseer (finishing)Textiles
751overseer (G.P.O.)Transport and Communication
521overseer (hand compositors)Paper, Printers etc.
521overseer (lithographer's)Paper, Printers etc.
751overseer of mail bag apparatus (Post Office)Transport and Communication
751overseer of sorters (Post Office)Transport and Communication
071overseerMining and Quarrying
401overseerTextile Goods, Clothing
521overseer, machine (letterpress)Paper, Printers etc.
071overseer; also slang names: "boss," "gaffer," "Johnny Gorman," shift bossMining and Quarrying
041oversmanMining and Quarrying
000owner (of fishing boats)Fishermen
720owner driver (taxi) Transport and Communication
919owner or proprietor (bathing machine)Personal Service
040ownerMining and Quarrying
070ownerMining and Quarrying
071ownerMining and Quarrying
883ownerEntertainments and Sport
056owner's account man (iron mines)Mining and Quarrying
056owner's account manMining and Quarrying
056owner's count man (Cornwall) Mining and Quarrying
022ox feederAgricultural Occupations
448ox head boilerFoods, Drinks, Tobacco
022ox manAgricultural Occupations
448ox tongue boilerFoods, Drinks, Tobacco
149oxalic acid dryerChemical Processes, Paints, Oils
485Oxford frame makerWood and Furniture
143oxide burnerChemical Processes, Paints, Oils
592oxide painterPainters and Decorators
608oxidiser (linoleum making)Other Materials
278oxidiser (metal)Metal Work
143oxidiser manChemical Processes, Paints, Oils
158oxidiser, oil (linoleum)Chemical Processes, Paints, Oils
485Oxon frame makerWood and Furniture
249oxyacetylene burnerMetal Work
249oxy-acetylene welderMetal Work
149oxygen fillerChemical Processes, Paints, Oils
249oxygen welderMetal Work
911oyster bar or room keeperPersonal Service
000oyster culturistFishermen
000oyster dredgerFishermen
000oyster fishermanFishermen
000oyster gathererFishermen
929oyster openerPersonal Service

From: A Dictionary of Occupational Terms Based on the Classification of Occupations used in the Census of Population, 1921,
Ministry of Labour, 1927. Digitised by Peter Christian, August, 2016.