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363jack frame tenterTextiles
373jack minderTextiles
363jack tenterTextiles
399jacker-off (lace)Textiles
688jacker-up (lead pencil making)Mixed or Undefined Materials
649jacket cleaner (phonograph records)Mixed or Undefined Materials
649jacket cleanerMixed or Undefined Materials
404jacket makerTextile Goods, Clothing
089jackmanTreatment of Mine and Quarry Products
396jacquard card cutterTextiles
398jacquard card lacerTextiles
370jacquard frame tenterTextiles
398jacquard harness builderTextiles
397jacquard harness knitterTextiles
398jacquard harness makerTextiles
398jacquard harness mounterTextiles
398jacquard lacerTextiles
396jacquard perforatorTextiles
396jacquard puncherTextiles
396jacquard stamperTextiles
370jacquard weaverTextiles
399jag-about (slang)Textiles
436jam boilerFoods, Drinks, Tobacco
449jam fillerFoods, Drinks, Tobacco
949jam finisherWarehousemen, Storekeepers, Packers
436jam makerFoods, Drinks, Tobacco
949jam tierWarehousemen, Storekeepers, Packers
949jam topperWarehousemen, Storekeepers, Packers
889janitorEntertainments and Sport
921janitorPersonal Service
158japan makerChemical Processes, Paints, Oils
241japanned ornamenterMetal Work
279japanner (pins)Metal Work
241japannerMetal Work
335japannerSkins and Leather
429japannerTextile Goods, Clothing
250japanningMetal Work
970jar washerOther and Undefined Workers
448jelly boilerFoods, Drinks, Tobacco
449jelly cutterFoods, Drinks, Tobacco
287jelly handPrecious Metals, Electro Plate
448jelly maker (calves' foot)Foods, Drinks, Tobacco
448jelly maker (provision factories)Foods, Drinks, Tobacco
448jelly maker (sugar jellies)Foods, Drinks, Tobacco
449jelly pourer-outFoods, Drinks, Tobacco
448jelly powder makerFoods, Drinks, Tobacco
436jelly workerFoods, Drinks, Tobacco
384jerry tenterTextiles
149jet cleanerChemical Processes, Paints, Oils
148jet man (artificial silk)Chemical Processes, Paints, Oils
149jet manChemical Processes, Paints, Oils
638jet ornament makerOther Materials
638jet workerOther Materials
741jetty manTransport and Communication
473jewel and plate case makerWood and Furniture
473jewel case makerWood and Furniture
324jewel hole makerWatches, Clocks, Scientific Instruments
324jewel setterWatches, Clocks, Scientific Instruments
284jeweller (not dealer)Precious Metals, Electro Plate
770jeweller, goldsmith'sCommercial, Finance, Insurance
770jeweller, silversmith'sCommercial, Finance, Insurance
298jeweller, workingPrecious Metals, Electro Plate
298jeweller's enamellerPrecious Metals, Electro Plate
298jeweller's lapperPrecious Metals, Electro Plate
287jeweller's maker-upPrecious Metals, Electro Plate
284jeweller's mounterPrecious Metals, Electro Plate
298jewellery and plate repairerPrecious Metals, Electro Plate
298jewellery designerPrecious Metals, Electro Plate
433Jewish bread bakerFoods, Drinks, Tobacco
448Jewish slaughtererFoods, Drinks, Tobacco
042jib holemanMining and Quarrying
047jib lowererMining and Quarrying
265jig and gauge makerMetal Work
381jig dyerTextiles
043jig hookerMining and Quarrying
265jig makerMetal Work
043jig minderMining and Quarrying
481jig sawyerWood and Furniture
211jig setterMetal Work
043jig tenterMining and Quarrying
381jig tenterTextiles
381jigger (gigger)Textiles
043jigger (N. Wales )Mining and Quarrying
043jigger (N. Wales)Mining and Quarrying
043jigger boyMining and Quarrying
043jigger ladMining and Quarrying
706jigger ladTransport and Communication
043jigger manMining and Quarrying
706jigger porter (slang)Transport and Communication
706jigger porterTransport and Communication
105jigger turnerBricks, Pottery, Glass
043jiggerMining and Quarrying
056jiggerMining and Quarrying
074jiggerMining and Quarrying
105jiggerBricks, Pottery, Glass
335jiggerSkins and Leather
043jiggererMining and Quarrying
105jiggererBricks, Pottery, Glass
414jiggererTextile Goods, Clothing
105jiggerer, sanitaryBricks, Pottery, Glass
381jigging (gigging) machine attendantTextiles
381jigging machine attendantTextiles
056jigmanMining and Quarrying
688jigsaw puzzle makerMixed or Undefined Materials
688jig-saw puzzle makerMixed or Undefined Materials
047jink carrierMining and Quarrying
074jinney boyMining and Quarrying
043jinney ladMining and Quarrying
043jinney tenterMining and Quarrying
043jinneymanMining and Quarrying
043jinny manMining and Quarrying
519jipperPaper, Printers etc.
770job buyerCommercial, Finance, Insurance
711job masterTransport and Communication
223jobber (boiler making)Metal Work
364jobber (cotton)Textiles
284jobber (jewellery)Precious Metals, Electro Plate
551jobber (paper tubes)Paper, Printers etc.
364jobber (woollen and worsted)Textiles
284jobber and mounterPrecious Metals, Electro Plate
284jobber and repairerPrecious Metals, Electro Plate
287jobber and repairerPrecious Metals, Electro Plate
399jobber ladTextiles
024jobberAgricultural Occupations
223jobberMetal Work
322jobberWatches, Clocks, Scientific Instruments
333jobberSkins and Leather
343jobberSkins and Leather
551jobberPaper, Printers etc.
770jobberCommercial, Finance, Insurance
364jobber, backTextiles
364jobber, cardTextiles
364jobber, combTextiles
399jobber, dyehouseTextiles
364jobber, frontTextiles
398jobber, loomTextiles
364jobber, scribblingTextiles
412jobbing boot makerTextile Goods, Clothing
929jobbing butlerPersonal Service
237jobbing grinderMetal Work
399jobbing hand (rope and twine)Textiles
284jobbing jewellerPrecious Metals, Electro Plate
284jobbing manPrecious Metals, Electro Plate
288jobbing mounterPrecious Metals, Electro Plate
284jobbing setterPrecious Metals, Electro Plate
043jochierMining and Quarrying
043jockeyMining and Quarrying
888jockeyEntertainments and Sport
043jockierMining and Quarrying
519joggerPaper, Printers etc.
200jogglerMetal Work
200joggling machinistMetal Work
071Johnny Gorman (slang)Mining and Quarrying
770Johnny-come-fortnightly (slang)Commercial, Finance, Insurance
473joiner (cabinet work)Wood and Furniture
190joiner (chains)Metal Work
474joiner (colliery)Wood and Furniture
474joiner (garden furniture)Wood and Furniture
374joiner (hosiery)Textiles
419joiner (lace)Textile Goods, Clothing
474joiner (maintenance)Wood and Furniture
414joiner (rubber boots and shoes)Textile Goods, Clothing
190joiner /chains)Metal Work
363joiner framer dresserTextiles
486joiner machinistWood and Furniture
365joiner minderTextiles
363joiner tenterTextiles
474joinerWood and Furniture
735joinerTransport and Communication
474joiner, cabinWood and Furniture
474joiner, carriage (textile machinery)Wood and Furniture
474joiner, case (organs)Wood and Furniture
474joiner, case (pianos)Wood and Furniture
474joiner, coachWood and Furniture
474joiner, loomWood and Furniture
474joiner, printer'sWood and Furniture
474joiner, shipWood and Furniture
474joiner, shop fitter'sWood and Furniture
609joiner-upOther Materials
278joint cutter-out (steel manufacture)Metal Work
278joint rammer (steel manufacture)Metal Work
325joint finisherWatches, Clocks, Scientific Instruments
532joint makerPaper, Printers etc.
486jointer (cooperages)Wood and Furniture
233jointer (cutlery)Metal Work
311jointer (electric cables)Electrical Apparatus
278jointerMetal Work
311jointerElectrical Apparatus
619jointerOther Materials
239jointer, actionMetal Work
278jointer, gun wireMetal Work
278jointer, hydraulicMetal Work
311jointer, wireElectrical Apparatus
311jointer-plumberElectrical Apparatus
319jointer's assistantElectrical Apparatus
319jointer's learnerElectrical Apparatus
530jointer's machinistPaper, Printers etc.
319jointer's mateElectrical Apparatus
571jointless floor layerBricklayers, Stone, Slate
105jollierBricks, Pottery, Glass
518jordan manPaper, Printers etc.
043journey riderMining and Quarrying
072journey riderMining and Quarrying
922journey womanPersonal Service
409journeyman hatterTextile Goods, Clothing
043journeymanMining and Quarrying
072journeymanMining and Quarrying
073journeymanMining and Quarrying
073journeyman. trimmerMining and Quarrying
922journey-womanPersonal Service
435jube makerFoods, Drinks, Tobacco
884judgeEntertainments and Sport
899jugglerEntertainments and Sport
435jujube makerFoods, Drinks, Tobacco
328jumblerWatches, Clocks, Scientific Instruments
367Jumbo winderTextiles
714jumper (slang)Transport and Communication
375jumper knitterTextiles
405jumper maker (not knitted)Textile Goods, Clothing
072jumperMining and Quarrying
279jumperMetal Work
714jumperTransport and Communication
279jumper-over (rolling mill)Metal Work
043junction boyMining and Quarrying
105junction makerBricks, Pottery, Glass
043junction manMining and Quarrying
939junior audit clerkClerks and Draughtsmen
939junior clerkClerks and Draughtsmen
706junior porterTransport and Communication
950junior turbine driverStationary Engine Drivers, Etc.
939junior warehouse clerkClerks and Draughtsmen
072junkerMining and Quarrying
048justice manMining and Quarrying
278justifierMetal Work
278justifler (typefounding)Metal Work
362jute crusher attendantTextiles
398jute cutterTextiles
399jute cutterTextiles
399jute hammermanTextiles
362jute opener catcherTextiles
362jute opener feederTextiles
398jute selectorTextiles
942jute stowerWarehousemen, Storekeepers, Packers
398jute strickerTextiles
399jute tierTextiles
399jute twisterTextiles
319jute winderElectrical Apparatus

From: A Dictionary of Occupational Terms Based on the Classification of Occupations used in the Census of Population, 1921,
Ministry of Labour, 1927. Digitised by Peter Christian, August, 2016.