ORDER XXXII. OTHER PERSONS (retired or not gainfully employed).
Back to List of Occupational Codes
The occupations falling under this category are not included in the Dictionary.
990.—Students (over 18 years and not elsewhere enumerated).
- Agricultural Pupil, Student (in College).
- Art Student.
- Cadet (undefined).
- Collegian.
- Dramatic Student. Exhibitioner.
- Fine Art Student.
- Music Student.
- Needlework Student.
- Operatic Student.
- Painter's Pupil.
- Post Master (College).
- Sculptor's Pupil.
- Sizar (College).
- Textile Student.
- Undergraduate.
- Wireless Student.
991.—Persons following an Occupation outside the United Kingdom.
"Persons who return their place of work in column (m) of the Schedule as situated outside the United Kingdom
are to be coded 991 (Persons following an occupation outside the United Kingdom) irrespective of their occupation,
unless they are members of the Imperial Naval, Military or Civil Services.
Members of the Civil Services of India and the Self-Governing Dominions
who are not actually serving in this country, are also to be regarded as working outside the United Kingdom
and coded accordingly-Members of the Indian Army do not come under this rule."
(From the Appendix to the 1921 Census classifications. )
- Indian Forest Service, Police (on Leave).
992.—Retired from previous Gainful Occupation (not Naval or Military).
"Persons returned as 'retired' or 'pensioned' or as having formerly followed an occupation are
to be coded to their former occupation and the code number is to be prefixed by the letter Y..."
(From the Appendix to the 1921 Census classifications. )
998.—Ex-Commissioned Officers, Naval or Military (not otherwise described).
- Disabled Officer (Naval or Military).
- Discharged Officer (Naval or Military).
- Ex-Officer (Naval, Military, or Air Force). Governor Military Knights of Windsor.
- Pensioned Officer (Naval or Military).
- Retired Officer (Naval or Military).
The following Naval ranks are now obsolete, and any persons so returned must be coded, to this heading:—
- Assistant Engineer.
- Chief Inspector of Machinery.
- Chief Naval Instructor. Deputy Inspector General of Hospitals and Fleets.
- Engineer.
- Fleet Engineer, Paymaster.
- Inspector General of Hospitals and Fleets.
- Naval Instructor.
- Navigating Lieutenant, Sub-Lieutenant.
- Paymaster.
- Paymaster in Chief.
- Staff Commander, Engineer, Paymaster.
The following ranks in the Army are now obsolete, and any persons so returned must be coded to this heading:—
- Assistant Commissary General.
- Assistant Commissary of Ordnance.
- Assistant Inspector of Armourers.
- Brigade Commander.
- Chief Inspector of Ordnance Machinery, Works.
- Commissary General.
- Commissary of Ordnance.
- Deputy Assistant Commissary General.
- Deputy Assistant Superintendent of Stores.
- Deputy Commissary of Ordnance.
- District Barrack Officer.
- Governor.
- Inspector of Army Schools, Ordnance Machinery, Works.
- Superintending Inspector of Works.
999.—Ex-Other Ranks and Ratings, Naval or Military (not otherwise described).
- Army Pensioner..
- Chelsea Pensioner.
- Coast Guard Pensioner
- Demobilised Marine, Sailor, Soldier..
- Disabled Marine, Sailor, Soldier.
- Ex-Army Man.
- Ex-Naval Man.
- Ex-Sailor (Navy).
- Ex-Soldier.
- Greenwich Pensioner.
- In Pensioner (Chelsea Hospital).
- Naval Pensioner.
- Pensioned Marine, Soldier.
- Retired Marine, Naval Man, Soldier.
X.—Other Persons (not Retired and not Gainfully Occupied).
- Alderman.
- Almsman.
- Annuitant.
- Armiger (Esq.).
- Army Pensioner (Female).
- B.A.
- Baronet.
- Bedesman.
- Capitalist.
- Charity Pensioner.
- Church Warden.
- County Alderman, Councillor.
- D.C.L.
- Deputy Lieutenant.
- Doctor of Philosophy.
- Emigrant.
- Equerry.
- Expert (undefined).
- Fundholder.
- Gentleman.
- Gentleman in Waiting.
- Gentleman Porter, Usher (Royal Household).
- Gipsy.
- Graduate.
- Groom in Waiting (Royal Household).
- High Constable, Sheriff.
- Honorary Secretary, Treasurer.
- Householder.
- House Proprietor.
- Independent.
- Inmate—not an Official—of Institution (Trade or Occupation not stated).
- J.P.
- Jurat.
- Justice of the Peace.
- Knight.
- Lady in Waiting.
- Lady of the Bed Chamber.
- Landlord.
- Land Owner.
- Legislator.
- Living on Own Means.
- LL.D.
- Lord in Waiting.
- Lord Lieutenant, Mayor, Provost.
- Lord Steward (Royal Household).
- Lunatic (Trade not stated).
- M.A.
- Maid of Honour.
- Master of the Ceremonies (Royal Household).
- Mayor.
- M.P.
- Naval Pensioner (Female).
- Nobleman.
- Old Age Pensioner (Trade not stated).
- Page of the Backstairs, Chambers, Presence.
- Patentee.
- Pauper (Trade not stated).
- Peer.
- Pensioner (former occupation not stated).
- Portreeve.
- Private Means.
- Privy Councillor.
- Property Owner.
- Provost.
- Rentier.
- Retired (former occupation not stated).
- Sheriff.
- Speculator.
- Tramp.
- Under Sheriff.
- Vagrant.
- Voluntary Worker.
- Ward in Chancery.