Back to List of Occupational Codes
820. Clergymen (Anglican Church).
- Anglican Priest.
- Archbishop.
- Archdeacon.
- Army Chaplain.
- Bishop.
- Bishop Missionary, Suffragan.
- Canon.
- Canon, Honorary, Minor, Non-Residentiary, Residentiary.
- Chancellor.
- Chaplain.
- Chaplain (Prison).
- Chaplain-General to the Forces.
- Chaplain of the Fleet.
- Chaplain to the Forces.
- Clergyman (Church of England).
- Clerk in Holy Orders.
- Curate.
- Deacon.
- Dean. cclesiastic.
- Foreign Missionary.
- Incumbent.
- Missionary.
- Naval Chaplain.
- Prebendary.
- Priest.
- Principal Chaplain.
- Rector (not of College).
- Squadron Leader (Chaplain, R.A.F.).
- Vicar.
821. Roman Catholic Priests ; Monks ; Nuns
- Archbishop.
- Bishop.
- Cardinal.
- Carthusian Brother.
- Chaplain (Army or Navy).
- Chaplain to the Forces.
- Friar.
- Lady Abbess.
- Lady Superior.
- * Lay Brother, Sister.
- Monk.
- Mother Superior.
- Nun.
- Priest.
- Prioress.
- Vicar-General.
826. Ministers of Other Religious Bodies.
- Baptist Minister.
- Catholic Apostolic Minister.
- Congregational Minister.
- Methodist Minister.
- Minister.
- Moderator (Presbyterian Church).
- Pastor.
- Presbyterian Clergyman.
- Rabbi.
- Wesleyan Minister.
827. Itinerant Preachers, Scripture Readers, Mission Workers, Sisters of Charity.
- Bible Woman.
- Christian Science Practitioner.
- Church Army Worker.
- City Missionary.
- Deaconess.
- District Visitor. vangelist.
- Foreign Missionary (not ordained).
- Gospel Canvasser.
- Lay Curate, Helper, Preacher, Reader.
- Licensed Lay Reader.
- Missioner.
- Mission Woman.
- Parish Visitor.
- Police Court Missionary.
- Rescue Worker.
- Sick Visitor.
- Sister of Mercy, Nazareth, of the Poor.
- Spiritualist Exponent.
- Street Preacher.
- Tract Distributor.
Salvation Army
- Adjutant.
- Bandsman.
- Cadet.
- Captain.
- Colonel.
- Commissioner.
- General.
- Lieutenant.
- Major.
- Marechale.
- Staff Captain.
828. Church, Chapel, Cemetery—Officials.
- Apparitor.
- Beadle.
- Bell Ringer, Toller.
- Burial Ground Keeper.
- Butt Woman.
- Cemetery Caretaker.
- Choral Vicar.
- Church Secretary.
- Curator (Cemetery or Crematorium).
- Door Keeper at Synagogue.
- Hebrew Writer (Synagogue).
- Jewish Registrar, Synagogue Reader.
- Lay Clerk, Vicar.
- Lodge Keeper (Cemetery or Crematorium).
- Officer (Cemetery or Crematorium).
- Parish Clerk.
- Pew Opener.
- Precentor.
- Precincts Warden.
- Record Keeper (Bishop's).
- Registering Officer (Quakers or Society of Friends).
- Registrar (Cemetery or Crematorium).
- Sacristan.
- Sexton.
- Sextoness.
- Steeplekeeper.
- Succentor (Cathedral).
- Superintendent (Cemetery or Crematorium).
- Synagogue Secretary, Verger.
- Vesturer.
829. Officials of Religious Societies.
- Secretary, Treasurer of:—
- Bible Society ; Missionary Society, &c.
- (not Honorary.)
830. Barristers.
- Advocate.
- Common Sergeantof London.
- Conveyancer.
- Equity Draughtsman.
- King's Counsel.
- Member of the Inner Temple.
- Parliamentary Draftsman.
- Recorder (not Civil Service).
- Sergeant-at-Law.
- Special Pleader.
831. Solicitors.
- Assistant Solicitor(G.P.0.).
- Attorney.
- Clerk to the Justices.
- Commissioner for Oaths.
- Law Agent.
- Lawyer.
- Magistrates' Clerk (not Civil Service).
- Notary.
- Parliamentary Agent.
- Proctor.
- Public Notary.
- Solicitor (G.P.O.).
- Writer to the Signet.
840. Physicians, Surgeons, Registered Medical Practitioners.
- Administrative Medical Officer (Army).
- Anaesthetist.
- Apothecary (not Druggist).
- Assistant Medical Officer.
- Aural Surgeon.
- Aurist.
- B.C.
- Consulting Physician, Surgeon.
- Dermatologist.
- Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist, Surgeon.
- Electrical Physician.
- Flight-Lieutenant (Medical) R.A.F.
- F.R.C.P.
- F.R.C.S.
- General Practitioner.
- Gynaecologist.
- Homeopathic Physician.
- Laryngologist.
- L.K.Q.C.P.
- L.R.C.P.
- L. S.A.
- M.B.
- M.D.
- M.R.C.P.
- M.R.C.S.
- M.S.
- Medical Director-General (Navy).
- Medical Officer.
- Medical Officer of Health.
- Medical Superintendent.
- Obstetric Physician, Surgeon.
- Oculist.
- Officer (R.A.M.C.).
- Ophthalmic Surgeon.
- Pathologist.
- Police Surgeon.
- Principal Medical Officer (Army).
- Public Vaccinator.
- Resident Physician.
- School Medical Officer.
- Skin Physician.
- Squadron Leader (Medical) R.A.F.
- Surgeon.
- Surgeon (Army).
- Surgeon Aurist.
- Surgeon Commander, Lieutenant, Lieutenant-Commander (Navy).
- Surgeon Oculist.
- Surgeon Rear-Admiral, Vice-Admiral.
- X. Ray Surgeon.
The following Ranks in the Navy and in the R.A.M.C. are now obsolete, and any persons returned as such must be coded 992.
- Brigade Surgeon.
- Deputy Surgeon General.
- Fleet Surgeon.
- Staff Surgeon.
- Surgeon.
- Surgeon Captain, General, Lieutenant-Colonel, Major.
841. Dentists.
- Consulting Surgeon Dentist.
- Dental Anaesthetist, Operator.
- Flight-Lieutenant (Dental R.A.F.
- Officer (Army Dental Corps).
- Stomatologist.
- Surgeon Dentist.
- Surgeon Lieutenant (Dental, Navy).
842. Veterinary Surgeons.
- Assistant Director of Veterinary Services.
- Castrator.
- Cattle Dentist, Doctor, Dresser.
- Cow Leech.
- Deputy Director of Veterinary Services. masculator.
- Farrier (if Veterinary Surgeon).
- Gelder.
- M.R.C.V.S.
- Pig Cutter, Ringer.
- Principal Veterinary Officer.
- Sheep Dresser.
- Veterinary Officer (R.A.V.C.).
The following ranks in the Royal Army Veterinary Corps are now obsolete, and any persons returned as such must be coded 992.
- Director-General, Veterinary Services.
- Inspecting Veterinary Surgeon.
- Veterinary Lieutenant-Colonel, Major, Surgeon.
843. Midwives.
- Accoucheuse.
- C.M.B.
- Matron (Maternity Home).
- Midwife Visitor (Local Authority).
- Nurse C.M.B.
- Nursing Sister (Maternity Home).
844. Sick Nurses.
- Ambulance Nurse.
- Aspirant (a Nursing Sister).
- Charge Nurse.
- Home Sister.
- Hospital Nurse.
- Iniirmary Nurse, Probationer.
- Male Nurse.
- Maternity Nurse.
- Monthly Nurse.
- Night Nurse.
- Nurse (not Domestic).
- Nurse Attendant.
- Nursing Home Manager, Manageress, Proprietor, Proprietress.
- Nursing Sister.
- Obstetric Nurse.
- Probationer (not in Lunatic Asylum).
- Probationer Nurse.
- Sister (Hospital, Infirmary, &c.).
- Staff Nurse.
- Superintendent Nurse.
- Tender Nurse.
- Trained Nurse.
- Ward Sister.
- Matron of Asylum, Epileptic Colony, Fever Hospital, Hospital, Infirmary, Isolation Hospital, Lunatic Asylum, Mental Deficiency Home, Nursing Home, Sanatorium, Workhouse Infirmary or other Institution for the care of the Sick or Mentally Afflicted.
845. Mental Attendants.
- Attendant, Charge Attendant, Inspector of Attendants, Nurse (not Infirmary or Sick Nurse) in:—
Epileptic Colony.
Lunatic Asylum.
Mental Deficiency Home.
Mental Hospital.
Mental Nursing Home.
- Asylum Nurse (not Infirmary or Sick Nurse). pileptic Attendant.
- Lunatic Attendant.
- Mental Nurse.
- Private Mental Attendant or Nurse.
- Probationary Ward Attendant.
849. Subordinate Medical Service (including Masseurs, Bone Setters and Herbalists).
- Accoucheur.
- Alienist.
- Apothecary's Assistant.
- Aurist (if not Registered).
- Bone Setter, Specialist.
- Botanic Practitioner.
- Botanical Druggist.
- Breast Drawer.
- Cancer Doctor.
- Chemist's Dispenser.
- Circumcisor.
- Cupper.
- Curative Hand Rubber.
- Dental Nurse.
- Dermatologist (if not Registered).
- Dipsomania Specialist.
- Dispenser.
- Doctor's Assistant (at Hospital). lectric Medical Practitioner. Electro Therapeutist.
- Galvanist.
- Health Visitor (not Local Authority).
- Herbalist.
- Herb Doctor.
- Homeopathic Practitioner.
- Hydropathic Practitioner.
- Magnetist.
- Masseur.
- Masseuse.
- Medical Assistant, Botanist, Dispenser, Electrician, Gymnast, Rubber, Neurologist.
- Oculist (if not registered).
- Officer of Medical Society (not Clerical Staff).
- Optician (Employer or Own Account).
- Optician's Manager.
- Optologist.
- Pathologist (if not Registered).
- Patient Wrapper.
- Physical Culture Expert.
- Psycho-Analyst.
- Radiographer.
- Rontgen Rays Electrician.
- Sight Testing Optician.
- Surgeon's Assistant.
- Unqualified Practitioner.
- Wound Dresser.
850. Teachers (not Music Teachers).
- Army School Mistress, Tutor.
- Art Teacher.
- Assistant Instructor, Lecturer, Master, Mistress, Principal, Professor (Army), Teacher.
- Bursar.
- Candidate.
- Catechist.
- Certificated Teacher.
- Chief Schoolmaster (Royal Marines).
- Class Teacher.
- Coach.
- College Bursar, Dean, Dignitary, Fellow, Headmaster, Master, Principal, Proctor, Provost, Rector, Tutor, Warden.
- Convent School Mistress, Teacher.
- Demonstrator.
- Departmental Director. xaminer. x Pupil Teacher.
- Form Master, Mistress, Teacher.
- Froebel Teacher.
- Governess.
- Head Master, Mistress, Teacher.
- Head Master (Navy).
- Instructor.
- Kindergarten Teacher.
- Lady Proctor.
- Lecturer (School or College).
- Life Master.
- Monitor.
- Monitress.
- Organising Master.
- Peripatetic Teacher.
- Preceptor.
- President (College).
- Principal.
- Principal Teacher.
- Prison Schoolmaster.
- Schoolmistress.
- Professor.
- Professor (Army).
- Pupil Teacher.
- Recognised Teacher.
- Responsible Teacher.
- School Master, Mistress, Proprietor, Teacher.
- Student Teacher.
- Superintendent (if Teacher).
- Supplementary Teacher.
- "Supply" Teacher.
- Training Teacher.
- Tutor.
- "Unattached" Teacher.
- TJncertificated Teacher.
- Vice Principal.
- Visiting Teacher of Special Subjects.
851. Teachers of Music.
- Music—Master, Mistress, Professor.
- Professor of Singing.
860. Civil Engineers and Surveyors.
- Advising Engineer.
- Advisory Engineer.
- Agent (Public Works Contractor, Road Contractor).
- A.M.I.C.E.
- Architectural Engineer.
- Borough Engineer, Surveyor.
- Building Surveyor.
- City Surveyor.
- Consultant Constructional Engineer.
- Consultant Engineer.
- Contractor's Engineer.
- District Engineer (Railway).
- District Surveyor.
- Divisional Engineer (Railway).
- Dock Engineer.
- Engineer (Public Works). xaminer of Buildings.
- F.I.C.E.
- House Surveyor.
- Insurance Surveyor.
- Land Measurer, Surveyor.
- Maintenance Engineer.
- M.I.C.E.
- Municipal Engineer.
- Permanent Way Engineer.
- Professional Engineer.
- Quantity Surveyor.
- Re-inforced Concrete Specialist.
- Resident Engineer (Public Works).
- Road Surveyor.
- Surveyor (Borough Council, Ordnance Survey).
- Wood Surveyor.
861. Mechanical and Electrical Engineers (Consultant).
- Advisory Motor Expert. xperimental Engineer.
- Aeroplane Designer.
- A.M.I.M.E.
- Assistant Chief Mechanical Engineer (Railway).
- Assistant Engineer in Chief (G.P.O.).
- Chief Mechanical Engineer (Railway).
- Consultant Motor Engineer.
- Engineer in Chief (G.P.O.).
- Experimental Engineer.
- F.I.M.E.
- M.I.M.E.
- Motor Expert.
- Seaplane Designer.
- Signal and Telegraph Enginer (Railway).
- Signal Enginer (Railway).
- Signalling Enginer (Railway).
- Technical Engineer.
- Technical Representative (Engineering Trades).
862. Mining Engineers (Consultant).
863. Architects.
- Architect (H.M. Office of Architect's Assistant (not Works).
- Draughtsman or Clerk).
864. Ship Designers, Ship Surveyors, Naval Architects.
- Chief Marine Surveyor.
- Lloyd's Surveyor.
- Marine Surveyor.
- Member of the Corps of Constructors.
- Nautical Designer, Surveyor.
- Naval Designer.
- Veritas Surveyor.
865. Chartered and Incorporated Accountants.
- A.C.A. (Associate of Chartered Accountants).
- A.C.R.A. (Associate of the Corporation of Registered Accountants).
- A.S.A.A. (Associate of the Society of Articled Accountants).
- Auditor (if qualified Accountant).
- Certified Accountant.
- F.C.A. (Fellow of Chartered Accountants).
- F.C.R.A. (Fellow of the Corporation of Registered Accountants).
- F.S.A.A. (Fellow of the Society of Articled Accountants.
866. Analytical and Research Chemists ; Assayers, Metallurgists.
- Agricultural Chemist.
- Analyser.
- Analyst.
- Brewer's Chemist.
- Consulting Chemist. lectro Chemist.
- Gas Chemist.
- Metallurgical Chemist.
- Mineralogist.
- Oil Chemist.
- Petroleum Expert, Technologist.
- Pharmaceutical Chemist (for a Firm of Manufacturing Chemists).
- Pharmacist (for Manufacturing Chemist).
- Public Analyst.
- Technical Chemist.
- Textile Analyst.
- Works Chemist.
867. Laboratory Attendants.
- Analyst's Assistant.
- Glass Tester (Laboratory).
- Laboratory Assistant, Boy, Labourer, Man, Steward.
- Photometrician.
- Photometry Tester.
868. Articled Clerks and Pupils and Other Professional
- Students.
- Actuarial Student.
- Apprentice Clerk.
- Architect's Pupil.
- Army Cadet, Candidate.
- Articled Clerk to Chartered Accountant, Solicitor.
- Bursar (Student).
- Cadet (Military College).
- Colliery Improver (Colliery Student).
- Dental Pupil, Student.
- Dentist's Apprentice, Pupil.
- Doctor's Apprentice.
- Engineer's Premium Apprentice, Pupil.
- Engineer's Pupil, Student.
- Engraver's Pupil.
- Froebel Student.
- Law Clerk (Articled).
- Law Student.
- Mechanical Engineer's Student.
- Medical Student.
- Metallurgical Student.
- Missionary Student.
- Pharmaceutical Student.
- Pupil (in Merchant's, Banker's, Railway, Insurance, &c., Offices).
- Student.
- Student (School of Mines, Veterinary College, Teachers' Training College).
- Surveyor's Premium Apprentice, Pupil.
- Theological Student.
- Veterinary Student.
869. Other Persons Engaged in Scientific Pursuits.
- Anatomical Assistant.
- Anatomist.
- Antiquary.
- Astronomer.
- Bacteriologist.
- Biologist.
- Botanist.
- Computer (Astronomical, Meteorological, &c.).
- Conchologist.
- Entomologist.
- Experimentalist.
- Expert in Writing.
- Explorer.
- Geographer.
- Geologist.
- Histologist.
- Hydrographer.
- Inventor (undefined.)
- Lepidopterist.
- Meteorologist.
- Microscopic Object Preparer.
- Museum Assistant, Curator, Keeper.
- Mycologist.
- Numismatist.
- Observer.
- Observer's Assistant.
- Ornithologist.
- Paleontologist.
- Pathological Curator, Philologist.
- Photometrist.
- Physiologist.
- Refractionist.
- Scientist.
- Statistician.
870. Authors, Editors, Journalists, Publicists.
- Advertisement Copy
- Writer, Writer.
- Advertising Journalist.
- Art Critic.
- Biographer.
- Critic.
- Dramatist.
- Foreign Correspondent (Newspaper, &c.).
- Foreign News Communicator.
- Lexicographer.
- Literary Adviser, Reader.
- Newspaper Correspondent, Reporter, Representative, Writer.
- Novelist.
- Play Writer.
- Playwright.
- Poet.
- Press Interviewer, Reporter, Representative.
- Publisher's Reader.
- Reporter.
- Shorthand Writer (Reporter).
871. Librarians (not Booksellers).
- Assistant Librarian.
- Bookroom Curator (School).
- Branch Librarian.
- Chief Librarian.
- Deputy Librarian.
- Librarian (Royal Household, School).
- Patent Library Assistant.
- Superintendent of Branch Libraries.
872. Political Association Offixcers
- Chief Whip.
- Election Agent.
- Political Agent, Canvasser, Registration Agent.
873. Industrial and Trade Association Officials.
- Assay Master.
- Assay Warden (Assav Offices).
- Beadle (City Company).
- Miner's Agent.
- Official or Secretary of City Guild or Company, Trade Union, &c., &c.
- Trade Union Representative.
874. Social Welfare Workers
- Inspector, Official or Secretary of N.S.P.C.A. or N.S.P.C.C.
- Official or Secretary of Social and Physical Improvement, Temper-Societies.
- Play Centre Worker.
- Temperance Lecturer.
- Welfare Supervisor.
875. Painters, Sculptors, Engravers
- Advertisement Artist.
- Advertising Artist.
- Art Designer.
- Artist (Christmas Cards).
- Artist in Oils, Water Colours.
- Bank Note Engraver.
- Black and White Artist, Etcher.
- Book Illustrator.
- Chart Engraver.
- Christmas Card Designer.
- Copper Plate Engraver.
- Etcher (Artist).
- Fashion Artist.
- Fibre Engraver.
- Geographical Engraver.
- Lamp Shade Artist.
- Landscape Engraver, Painter.
- Lantern Slide Painter.
- Line Engraver.
- Map Engraver.
- Marine Artist, Painter.
- Miniature Painter.
- Music Engraver.
- Portrait Engraver.
- R.A.
- Scene or Scenic Artist.
- Steel Engraver, Plate Engraver.
- Trade Mark Designer, Engraver.
- Wax Engraver.
- Wood Engraver.
879. Other Professional Occupations.
- Actuary.
- Almoner (Hospitals, &c.).
- Archivist.
- Art Expert.
- Art Repairer (Museum).
- Artist's Model, Modeller.
- Banner Painter.
- Catalogue Compiler.
- Cataloguer.
- Chartered Secretary (Employer or own Account).
- Company Secretary (Employer or own Account).
- Crest Painter. conomist.
- Genealogist.
- Heraldic Painter.
- Hospital Secretary (not Honorary).
- Illuminating Artist.
- Illuminator.
- Index Compiler.
- Law Writer (Employer or on own Account).
- Linguist (Translator).
- Monogram Illuminator.
- Music Copyist, Transcriber.
- Organ Blower.
- Ornamental Writer.
- Registrar (College, Royal Academy).
- Sand Modeller.
- Scrivener (Employer or on own Account).
- Sculptor's Assistant.
- Searcher in Public Records (not a Government employee).
- Surveyor's Assistant.
- Tattoo Artist.
- Tattooist.
- Translator.