A Dictionary of Occupational Terms Based on the Classification of Occupations used in the Census of Population, 1921.
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Sub-order 1.—Textile Workers

359.—Foremen and Overlookers—Other and Undefined

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colour foreman (carpet manufacture)
supervises setting-up (dressing) of looms, and is responsible for correct weaving of coloured yarns selected by colourists (398) q.v.
cotton cloth overlooker
as for taker-in.
see dyer, foreman, or dyer, master; sometimes specifically designated according to material dyed e.g., calico, coir yarn, fibre, hair, velvet, dyer; or according to dyestuffs used or colour materials are dyed, e.g., black, madder, Turkey red, dyer; cf. dyer (381).
dyer, foreman dyer
(i) see dyer, master;
(ii) is in charge of a section of men engaged in any dyeing process.
dyer, head
see dyer, master.
dyer, master dyer ; foreman dyer, head dyer
directs and controls dyeing processes, specifies colours and mordants to be used in dyeing, and proportions in which ingredients are to be mixed; determines strength and temperature of dyes; matches colours; generally supervises dyers and dye mixers (381); makes visual examination of materials when dyed.
examiner (linen and hemp)
see foreman.
foreman ; examiner (linen and hemp)
is in charge of a department, or of a section thereof; directs and controls operatives in that department or section; is responsible for quantity and quality of output, and for maintaining machinery and plant in good order; often further distinguished according to department, e.g. foreman beetler, foreman hackler, foreman pegger, foreman stiffener.
foreman finisher
directs operations in textile finishing departments, and is in charge of finishers (384), i.e., calenderers, manglers, scourers, millers, tenterers, etc.
foreman rougher ; roughing master
a foreman q.v. in charge of roughers (362) q.v.
fustian master
see knifeman.
gassers' overlooker
is in charge of room in which yarns are gassed, i.e., passed rapidly through bunsen gas flame to remove projecting fibres; is responsible for quantity and quality of gassed yarn produced, and for proper running of machines.
grey man, grey warehouseman ; receiver
is foreman of grey room, in which grey (unbleached) cloth is received; receives cloth, marks it according to finishing operations to be performed on it, and passes it to grey cloth sewers and other workers with directions for treatment.
hackling machine man ; machine master
a foreman q.v. in charge of hackling machine attendants (362) q.v. and responsible for output of hackling machines; reports breakdowns, etc., to manager or to mechanic.
knifeman (fustian, velvet) ; fustian master, tooler, toolman (fustian, velvet)
prepares guides and knives by which fustian is cut; superintends a number of fustian cutters or velvet cutters (398) q.v., (about 30, as a rule), each engaged on a separate machine; is responsible for regularity of cut pile.
loft man
(North of Ireland linen trade) a foreman q.v. or man in charge of finishing department in a linen bleaching works.
machine master
see hackling machine man.
making-up room man
see white room man.
mill walker
see overlooker.
overlooker, overseer (finishing) ; mill walker, steward (silk)
is in charge of a room or of a department in a textile finishing factory; is responsible for quantity and quality of output of his room or department; adjusts machines, and either repairs them, or gives directions for their repair, and is responsible for their being kept in good running order; sometimes also erects machines; sometimes has sectional overlookers under him.
piece overlooker
see taker-in.
see grey man ; cf. receiver (399).
roughing master
see foreman rougher.
stenter man
is in charge of stenterers (384) q.v. and responsible for efficient working of stentering machines, starching mangles, airing cylinders, etc.
steward (silk trade)
see overlooker.
taker-in ; piece overlooker
is in charge of piece takers-in (399) q.v. and responsible for their work; checks amount of cloth received and inspects for faults.
tooler, toolman (fustian, velvet)
see knifeman ; sometimes specifically designated, e.g., velvet tooler.
white room man ; making-up room man
is in charge of workers in making-up room, and in white room where bleached cloth is prepared for finishing; cf. white room man (399); passes cloth, with instructions, to workers concerned, e.g., hooker, maker-up C943), silker (bleacher's) (419) q.v.

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From: A Dictionary of Occupational Terms Based on the Classification of Occupations used in the Census of Population, 1921,
Ministry of Labour, 1927. Digitised by Peter Christian, August, 2016.   This text is in the Public Domain.