A Dictionary of Occupational Terms Based on the Classification of Occupations used in the Census of Population, 1921.
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Sub-order 1.—Agricultural Occupations

025.—Gardener's Labourers

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fruit man
a labourer (q.v.) on a fruit farm.
fruit sprayer
a labourer (q.v.) on a fruit farm who sprays fruit trees and plants with solution containing chemicals as a protection against disease; usually also lime washes trunks of trees, and does other work connected with fruit growing.
gardener's boy
assists gardener (013) in unskilled work, e.g., weeding, watering, sweeping lawns and paths, burning rubbish.
does unskilled work about a garden, nursery, orchard, etc., e.g., digging, planting, manuring, hoeing, picking and spraying fruit trees, lifting and drying bulbs (on bulb farm); sometimes specifically designated, e.g. bulb farm labourer, fruit farm labourer, fruit plantation labourer, nursery labourer, orchard labourer.
labourer, cottage
a cottager (024) (q.v.) who works as labourer in nursery, market garden, etc.
labourer, landscape
digs and drains land, plants shrubs, etc., and makes paths under supervision of landscape gardener (013) (q.v.); does any other unskilled work in connection with laying out of new garden.
labourer, policy
Scottish term ; a gardener's labourer who assists in keeping the policies or grounds surrounding the house on a large estate.
lawn mower
cuts grass lawn usually by pushing a machine or driving horse or pony drawn machine; cf. motor lawn mower driver (013).
rhubarb tier
a casual worker who ties up rhubarb in bundles with osiers or bass for despatch to market.
spade hand
digs and does other unskilled work in nursery, market garden, etc.

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From: A Dictionary of Occupational Terms Based on the Classification of Occupations used in the Census of Population, 1921,
Ministry of Labour, 1927. Digitised by Peter Christian, August, 2016.   This text is in the Public Domain.